
Occupational Therapy Gold Coast

Occupational Therapy for kids:

‘Occupations’ refer to the activities that you do on an everyday basis. For children, occupations are activities such as sleeping, dressing, playing, eating, bathing, socialising and much more. OT’s help kids to engage in the tasks that they do on an everyday basis and have difficulty with. OT’s provide support with these difficulties through play based activities and education that help strengthen these skills.

Picky Eating

Increase willingness to try new foods through a play based, no-pressure approach that encourages sensory exploration and motor skill development.

Self Care

Encourage independence with toileting, bathing, sleeping, dressing and grooming through structured and fun activities.

Fine and Gross Motor Skills

Develop skills to correctly hold a pencil, fasten zips and buttons, tie shoelaces, play on playground equipment, succeed in sports, and strengthen core stability.

Sensory Processing

Improve the way sensory information is received and organised in order to identify important information in the environment and respond effectively.

Emotional Regulation

Develop strategies to understand your Childs emotions and how to support them with big feelings. Discover evidence based tools that encourage regulation.

Social Skills

Develop foundational skills to relate, communicate, problem solve and maintain social interactions with peers to encourage positive relationships.

Occupational Therapy For Adults

We provide therapeutic support for adults facing
challenges that affect their daily living and work tasks. Whether it’s recovering from injuries,
managing chronic conditions, or adjusting to physical changes due to aging, our therapists customize
treatments to improve your lifestyle.

Senior Occupational Therapy

As we age, everyday tasks that once seemed simple can become challenging. Occupational therapy offers personalized solutions to help seniors overcome these challenges and lead fulfilling lives. Whether it’s improving mobility, managing chronic conditions, or adapting to changes in cognition, occupational therapists are dedicated to promoting independence and overall well-being.

Our senior occupational therapy focuses on enhancing the quality of life for older adults. We assist seniors in maintaining independence, managing health conditions, and adapting their homes for safety and ease of access.

Occupational Therapy Reports

Functional Capacity Assessments

Functional Capacity Assessments play a crucial role in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) by evaluating an individual’s ability to perform daily activities and participate in various aspects of life. These assessments are comprehensive evaluations conducted by qualified occupational therapists to determine the impact of a person’s disability on their functional abilities and independence.

Assistive Technology Reports

Assistive Technology (AT) plays a significant role in improving the independence, safety, and quality of life of people with disabilities. Assistive Technology Reports are comprehensive documents prepared by occupational therapists to assess an individual’s needs for specialized equipment, devices, or technology to support their functional abilities and address specific challenges related to their disability.

Appointments Available now!

Talk with our friendly team to see how we can help you