Help! I Have a Picky Eater

Feeding difficulties in children can pose significant challenges for both parents and healthcare professionals. From picky eating to aversions and sensory issues, mealtime can become a source of stress and frustration. However, there\’s hope. SOS Feeding Therapy offers a comprehensive and holistic approach to addressing these challenges and promoting healthy eating habits in children. In this blog post, we\’ll explore what SOS Feeding Therapy is, how it works, and how it can benefit children and families.

What is SOS Feeding Therapy?

SOS Feeding Therapy, which stands for Sequential Oral Sensory, is a specialized approach to feeding therapy developed by Dr. Kay Toomey, a pediatric psychologist. It is designed to address the underlying factors contributing to feeding difficulties in children, including sensory sensitivities, oral motor skills deficits, and behavioral issues.

The goal of SOS Feeding Therapy is to help children become more comfortable and competent with eating a variety of foods, expand their food repertoire, and improve mealtime behaviors. Unlike traditional feeding therapy approaches that focus solely on increasing food intake, SOS Feeding Therapy takes a holistic approach by addressing the sensory, motor, and behavioral aspects of feeding.

How Does SOS Feeding Therapy Work?

SOS Feeding Therapy sessions are typically conducted by trained occupational therapists or speech-language pathologists who specialize in pediatric feeding. The therapy process involves several key components:

  1. Assessment: A comprehensive assessment is conducted to evaluate the child\’s feeding skills, oral motor abilities, sensory processing, and mealtime behaviors. This helps identify the underlying factors contributing to the feeding difficulties and informs the development of an individualized treatment plan.

  2. Sensory Exposure: Children are gradually exposed to a variety of foods with different textures, flavors, colors, and temperatures in a structured and supportive environment. The goal is to desensitize the child to sensory aversions and increase their tolerance for new foods.

  3. Oral Motor Skill Development: Therapy activities focus on improving oral motor skills, such as chewing, swallowing, and tongue movement, to enhance the child\’s ability to manage different food textures and consistencies.

  4. Behavioral Strategies: Positive reinforcement techniques, desensitization exercises, and behavioral interventions are used to address mealtime behaviors, reduce anxiety, and promote positive eating experiences.

  5. Family Involvement: Parents and caregivers play a crucial role in the therapy process, as they learn techniques and strategies to support their child\’s progress at home. Family-centered care is emphasized to ensure consistency and continuity of support outside of therapy sessions.

Benefits of SOS Feeding Therapy:

  • Increases food acceptance and variety
  • Improves oral motor skills and feeding abilities
  • Reduces mealtime stress and anxiety for children and families
  • Promotes positive mealtime behaviors and interactions
  • Empowers parents with practical strategies for supporting their child\’s feeding development

SOS Feeding Therapy offers hope and support for children and families struggling with feeding difficulties. By addressing the sensory, motor, and behavioral aspects of feeding in a holistic manner, this specialized approach helps children become more confident and competent eaters. If your child is experiencing feeding challenges, consider consulting with a qualified pediatric feeding therapist to explore how SOS Feeding Therapy can benefit your family.